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Feb 06, 2025
In Questions & Answers
We've been using AIO in a specific manner, but we've encountered a small issue and wanted to check if we're correctly utilizing test cases, sets, and cycles.
Our process is as follows:
1. We start by creating test cases, organizing them into folders based on product areas.
2. These test cases are then added to test sets corresponding to their related user stories. We maintain two types of test sets:
• A Regression Pack set
• User story-specific sets
3. When executing a test cycle, we ensure it includes both the regression pack and multiple user story-oriented test cases, to represent all testing activity done for a release.
The issue arises when test cases from a user story set are also included in the regression pack cycle. In this case, the test cycle appears to reflect results for both the user story and regression pack, as the test case is linked to both.
Is this the correct way to be managing cases, sets, and cycles in AIO? Or should we be structuring them differently to avoid this overlap?
Thanks in advance for your guidance!
Sep 09, 2024
In Questions & Answers
Hello, the way we integrate our automated tests with our AIO test cases means that using the Test Key of each test is the most effective way to link tests.
Right now, this is a manual process which has some risk, if we re-index we would have to redo all of the keys in AIO which would definitely not be feasible.
I am wondering if it makes sense to create a config option, which if checked will automatically set all Automation Keys to match the Test Key of every test case?
Aug 21, 2024
In Questions & Answers
Hello, I am trying to import via CSV however the test key is a required field. Does this mean that if for example I wanted to create 100 brand new test cases, I would have to manually create them, then manually add the 100 new keys to my .csv file?
I am trying to use the import feature as a way to create brand new tests, so having this field be non-mandatory would be great. I.e. if no key is required and there already exists test keys BLA-TC-100, it would create the first line of the .csv as BLA-TC-101 and so on.
Aug 12, 2024
In Questions & Answers
I am working on a process flow for our usage of AIO Tests, and have been considering an approach like this:
• Test Cases are kept within a product-area folder structure
• We have a Regression test set, which captures all of the regression tests for a specific product
The issue I am facing is, it does not appear to be possible to have a folder structure similar to Test Cycles when you can view test cases by the set they are within.
It would be nice to have a similar folder structure within Test Sets which separates tests based on the Test Case folders. Would that be possible?
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