For privacy reasons, a group of users A aren't supposed to see another group of users e.g. B. Therefor we have disabled the gobal permission "browse users and groups".
This perfectly works for JIRA. Unfortunately for AIO test, from then on, users can't see any other user being assigned to tickets. Nor can they assign other users... So it seems that AIO test requires this global permission to be on, and isn't it sufficient that the group of users is assigned to the JIRA project where these AIO tests are for. Is there a way that people from the same project can see/assign each other, while the global permission "browse users and groups" is disabled. (cfr. JIRA issues)
Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, this is a limitation / requirement on the Jira side. We use Jira's rest API and as per the documentation link below, it is necessary for the user to have "browse users and groups" permission to be able to pick users.
AIO Tests